Esalen Massage Deep Bodywork Rolfing Spinal Awareness CranioSacral Lymph Drainage Zero Balancing Process Acupressure Spiritual Massage

California Certified
Massage Therapist

Esalen Massage

Now Available:
Sound Healing

Spiritual Massage

Spiritual Massage is a form of energy work and hands-on healing developed by Maria Lucia Bittencourt Sauer. The modality works directly on the energy body, balancing the chakras, cleansing old thought forms, and gently facilitating the release of emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages. Maria Lucia Bittencourt Sauer has practiced spiritual healing in Brazil and the US since 1982. She first came to the Esalen Institute in 1979 to study Spiritual Massage with Brazilian healer Luiz Gasparetto. Maria Lucia now teaches at Esalen and conducts trainings and seminars internationally.

Please contact me for more information.


Half off intro session in April!