Esalen Massage Deep Bodywork Rolfing Spinal Awareness CranioSacral Lymph Drainage Zero Balancing Process Acupressure Spiritual Massage

California Certified
Massage Therapist

Esalen Massage

Now Available:
Sound Healing

Zero Balancing

Structure, function and energy are intertwined throughout the body. Zero Balancing addresses both the structure of the skeletal system and the flow of energy passing through it.

Focusing on strategic joints and their function, a Zero Balancer uses fulcrums, light stretches or medium pressure on certain key points, mobilizing and freeing energy that is trapped in the skeleton.

Dr. Fritz Smith developed Zero Balancing through his dual study of Western Medicine and Chinese Acupuncture. His aim was to produce a hands-on method to promote health and healing that integrated energy and structure.

After a Zero Balancing session, one can experience improved bodily function, restored balance, and an overall sense of well-being.

For more information please visit the Zero Balancing Website.


Half off intro session in April!